Episode Synopsis "S1E2: Music and Musical Theatre"
Join Adam and Jovanis as they recall memories from their musical past and ponder the human understanding of music.
Listen "S1E2: Music and Musical Theatre"
More episodes of the podcast Ready Set Talk!
- S1E12 (Season One Finale): The Game
- S1E11:Conspiracy Theories
- S1E10: Fiction vs. Fanfiction
- S1E9: The Bad Audio Kid Special
- S1E8: Pet Peeves
- S1E7: Clothes on Animals
- S1E6: The Internet
- S1E5: Sci-Fi and Entertainment
- S1E4: Charecter Creation
- S1E3: Dungeons and Dragons
- S1E2: Music and Musical Theatre
- S1E1: Legends and Myths